Motorised Wheelchairs
Following the receipt of a grant to purchase the wheelchairs, the next phase of this wonderful initiative, was the integration into their use. The past 6 months has been a learning curve as we work on a plan that ensures the wheelchairs will not travel outside of the premises, so they will always be available when and where required.
Our Guides have been training on the use of the wheelchair and we are working on the branding, signage and procedures, prior to the official launch. This program has also necessitated recruitment of 30 additional shifts for the position of ‘Wheelchair Administrators’ to cover a 5 day week between all three guide desks. The program will be launched at the main Lyell McEwin Hospital guide desk and rolled out to the other desks after a pilot period and when shifts are filled.
A pilot program will also be introduced at Modbury Hospital and incorporate the main guide desk, Palliative Care, GEM and Rehab Wards.