Bicultural Program
Increasingly, members of new and emerging communities (NEC) are using the services of the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN) in particular the Lyell McEwin Hospital and Elizabeth GP Plus, and are at times finding it difficult to navigate these services. Lyell McEwin Hospital is currently researching ways to engage NEC community members so they are more comfortable in making decisions regarding their health care.
The Association was successful in securing a grant in 2018 with a key outcome to recruit local NEC community members as volunteers. Volunteers will be able to support fellow community members visiting the Hospital as patients whilst providing them with the opportunity to gain new skills and gain an understanding of the health system.
The Association’s Bi cultural worker, Kamal Dahal commenced with the Association in April 2019 and has presented a number of presentations to NEC communities and service providers highlighting the benefits of volunteering. A key finding of the project so far is that traditional volunteering roles, particularly in a Hospital setting, may not be suitable for NEC community members due to their limited understanding and speaking of English. The next stage of the program will focus on other volunteer roles that play to the strengths of the NEC community that involve performing, visual and textile arts.